This is a community Web site that Web Poynor supports by donating time and paying the costs of Web hosting and registration. People who live in the neighborhood contribute news and items local interest such as a recent increase of snakes during a summer drought.

To make the site interesting visitors are encouraged to upload photos to go with their news. The "Old news" is not erased because often someone remembers an old article and they want to see it again. The stale news is placed in chronological order in an Old News page for this purpose.

An automatic slide show handles several pictures on a single topic. In other cases thumbnails serve as the click-to-launch points for photo enlargements.

Visual separation of the articles is programmed with box and shadow elements. In the captured page shown below there are five different styles of box and shadows.

Finally, the newest articles are menued in red, and an automatic e-mail message is addressed to the 155 regular visitors whenever new articles are published.

  • Gardening
  • cooking
  • safety
  • advice
  • for sale
  • for rent
  • welcome
  • library
  • emergencies
  • recycling
  • vendors
  • management
  • covenants
  • map
  • platt