This large, interactive Web site was developed by Dr. Hugh Poynor for teaching his upper-division college students to design and develop Web projects. Pedagogical innovations within the site, termed "active-learning pages," make the most of the Web's potential for providing colorful, lively learning activities and powerful information lookup.

The site contains 44 chapters (Web pages) averaging 3000 words each, 150 support pages, and 610 graphic images. Extensive navigational aides include a dedicated site search engine, a site map with 1290 hyperlinks into the site, and extensive pull-down menus.

Use of this Web site as the core teaching and learning tool supports teaching by providing clear topic outlines and working examples for lectures. Because students have built-in lecture notes available on the Web, they can pay closer attention during lectures. More important, the content is carefully structured to provide advanced organizers and opportunities for students to apply, reinforce, and integrate new material online with immediate, explicit feedback. A total of 104 active-learning checkpoints, 22 live tryouts for student markup, and 385 randomized multiple choice mastery questions (scored online) are embedded in the content. Enhancement of traditional instructional methods with the new Web technology increased teaching/learning efficiency so much that several topics could be added to the course. came up first in the list in a Google search for "class anytime". Because there are usually hundreds of thousands of results listed, being top ranked greatly helps a site get noticed and brings traffic to the site.